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My own lil' story

Started by Chip7, December 21, 2007, 05:44:45 pm

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December 21, 2007, 05:44:45 pm Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 10:29:22 am by Unbeliever
Hey folks!

My road to atheism is pretty simple, I was never on any other road! :)

I had the luck of being born in Canada where seculars and atheist are never demonised. Quite the opposite, an atheistic behavior is expected in public. Only recently has the massive influx of immigrants, who are used to a more clerical society, has forced a debate on this. Anyway, this is irrelevant. As far back as i can remember, i was an atheist without knowing what it was. My parents were religious and tried their best to woo me under the protective wing of jesus, but they failed. I was ready to believe, like any child under the admiration of it's parents, but I had an inquiring mind even at this young age. I started asking questions on how does this almighty god does it's magic, but i never received a sliver of an acceptable answer. I mean, all this power and all this "magical force" and no one ever witnessed it? There wasn't a trace of it anywhere? Besides, why does this almighty giant of giants care about little'o me? Why put me here on earth when he could have put me in paradise right off the bat if he loved me so much? I lived so far in my young life barely aware of this big fella and now all of the sudden i had to observe and revere him? Basically, it just didn't add up.

I lived my life quite happily without this eye in the sky and i still do. I'm a little perplexed as to why this religion dohickey is still alive (and quite well, unfortunately) but unlike most of you, i can't understand it's power and control over people's live other than imagine it. I can see the power of a strong belief, there's no other way you could convince someone to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up in a crowd, but i can never experience it (not sure i want to either) and i don't have to tear myself off any beliefs either!

So this'em is mah lil' story. :) Nothing very dramatic or special. I'm currently reading some Richard Dawkins and, as obvious as it sounds, i suggest it to anybody. He shreds to peices any reasons for beliefs in the supernatural. Not even the overused "If you don't believe, where do you get your morals" rationalization resists him!

Cheers folks!!  :-D

Sandy Price

Welcome Chip.  I too have never believed in Go.  My obsession was bad enough with King Arthur and I even checked out the location of Camelot when I was in England in 1998.  Damn! 

I've been writing on politics for the last 15 years and my latest is:


Hi chip7, welcome to the board!  :-D
"Some say God is living there [in space]. I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there. I did not detect either angels or gods....I don't believe in God. I believe in man - his strength, his possibilities, his reason."
Gherman Titov, Soviet cosmonaut, in The Seattle Daily Ti


  I hope more people come here to post their comments.  Canada was a fascinating place to visit.  I came back twice more because I was so intrigued with the culture.  We have  a good amount of multi-culturalism here in California, too! It's a big State and that isn't true about the whole State though.   I was amused though because other Canadians thought we were the mecca of liberalism out here.  I was sorry to tell them, remember, we have a Republican Governor, much like yourselves possess in a Prime Minister.  The belief of many Californians is that we need a balance between Democrats and Republicans in our State.

    I question this some and I give the ranking of our schools now, as proof ,that we aren't benefiting from either party's politics much these days.  There are so many lies out in cyberspace.  Many don't even know what the truth is and are too tired to really care.  Honestly?  They teach so little about Politics to the average High School Student.  If they make it to Graduation, they are lucky they know what voting is all about.  High School voting usually amounts to who is the most popular or will give you something you like.  Like a new pony!

    I am impressed with how advanced Canada has become socially and it really shows when you  walk around the streets of Toronto.  I fear, you too suffer some, from people grouping together a little too much.  I wasn't sure how well equal opportunity employment was working out there in the Theatre Community but I could see that at least there were a good variety of production that represented different parts of your community.

    I wondered, if you have a lot less crime, because you have overcome most of your fear of people from different cultures?  It seemed you welcomed the variety? At least in big cities like Toronto.  It seems in Canada too, thanks to universal heath care, issue like contraceptives, wasn't a big problem there at all. I was amused to find a condom store on a main street!  That alone must make life a little less stressful.  There was an advertisement for some sex education seminar!  How shocking but innovative!  It made America suddenly look like prehistoric cavepeople.

   I wonder if you expect us to be carrying around clubs and grunting a whole lot.  Well, most like to carry around weapons but many do grunt a lot.  Though I have to say, using a term like, "eh!" isn't very commercial.  It is used around here in America mostly by old people with low hearing aid batteries.  I'd say you are more likely to hear us say, "oh, Canadians!"  when discussing topics like healthcare and transportation.  Then, someone will just laugh and say, well we are a richer Country, so what do they know?  I'd say, quite a bit.  I kind of figured since your population was smaller due to livable landscape, you don't get so bogged down or distracted by side issues like gay marriage or universal healthcare?  I did notice that the votes were very close as far as gay issues seemed to go.  We know from research, letting gay people get married only hurts some peoples feelings.  It is booming business for others.

    Most Canadians I have met seemed religious but  I met a few who weren't or maybe are more agnostic to me?  A nice thing is that you really do seem to want to get along with each other.  I hear very little criticism in the City about each other.  I have also found a bit of reluctance when it comes to sharing your honest views of some things.  Perhaps because I was a tourist?  I would get asked questions sometimes and when I asked why was this important for them to know, I would just get an evasive answer?  So as to not offend me but being nosy, none the less.

     Your Country is a very nice place to visit overall.  I feel we are spoiled here in America because we have more agriculture and our greater size means we can offer more opportunities for employment.  I feel we have less unemployment here.  Though you may have more freedom of speech and more local support from your communities than we do?  Yet finding Canadians less outspoken might contradict my statement somewhat?  It seems it is more on the side of peace but I'm not too sure about that too much still?    We have too many corporations and money doesn't end up being spread around as much as it should be here.

    I feel too that Canadians have a better hold on their Government than we Americans do.  It is harder for us to get rid of incompetent leadership because of big corporations and their hands in most of our Politicians bank accounts.  This has finally led us back into a corrupt system of Government or in our case, the lack of Government based on a Constitution but one dictated to us, thanks to the almighty dollar.

    So now, I at least look to Canada and Canadians to help us see the light.  Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be how Canadians do International Business?  We need Canadians to say, "look what we have going on here!  You can have this too!"  I just see that as a Canadian attribute which is too bad for us.  I know you need our business.  We need your peace right now, unfortunately.  We also need your commerce to  keep building and stay in business.  Instead of thanking us, I wish more of you would be saying, "America, get it together before you completely fall apart because of your bigotry and greed."  It is time, now that we have fallen off of our "high horse", to start looking outward to our neighbors for a good example of how a Country can be, if people stop drawing lines in the sand and start accepting other cultures as a gift to us all.

    I can't really say I feel persecuted for being an Atheist here?  Just different and perplexed that more people don't feel this way too?  Why so many of us don't want to see or imagine the world as one big happy family boggles my mind?

     Yet, how can I really deny?  A portion of our Country has made a fortune off of death and destruction?  Churches have become powerhouse for favors and property because of the payoff and promise of forgiveness they sell even for the worst sins known to humankind?

    As a Country, we have failed in our humanity.  We are the richest but only due to size.  We cannot ignore though that that we bought our status with your blood and the blood of all of those who rather spill their enemies blood, rather than win people over with freedom.  A good portion of the world knows, without slavery, poverty and despair, their income would cease to exist. They would be denied the purchase of things they couldn't acquire without money or power.   So how do we overcome these people?  How can we convince them, when they feel already disadvantaged because they aren't popular enough?  Loved enough?  Or privileged enough in this world without destruction or tainted money?

    We just keep trying.  I love the Dune Series. So much of it reflects on our own lives and Governments.  "We take one step forward, we take two steps back!"  So true about America.

     My true and honest hope is that we can learn from your example.  And that you will stop building those sardine cans you call "condos"!  I guess they serve a purpose but they charge so much for the privilege to own or rent a place that takes you forever to get out of?  For some reason, I see those skyscrapers and the words, "Towering Inferno"  keeps echoing in my mind.  Building homes high enough for planes for hit them doesn't seem logical to me?  Just something that made me question some of your building planning to me? 8-)


Thanks for the comment, it appears you were inspired!  :-D

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm

    I wondered, if you have a lot less crime, because you have overcome most of your fear of people from different cultures?  It seemed you welcomed the variety? At least in big cities like Toronto.  It seems in Canada too, thanks to universal heath care, issue like contraceptives, wasn't a big problem there at all. I was amused to find a condom store on a main street!  That alone must make life a little less stressful.  There was an advertisement for some sex education seminar!  How shocking but innovative!  It made America suddenly look like prehistoric cavepeople.

I don't think that crime rate is linked all that much to fear or acceptance of ppl from different culture. There are many factors in reducing crime, cheif among which im my opinion is to keep your people employed and able to feed themselves and their family. If they have too much time on their hand and never know where their next meal will come from, they're prime recruiting subject for street gangs and organised crimes who are always looking for some vulnerable poor slob to do some dirty work.

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
   I wonder if you expect us to be carrying around clubs and grunting a whole lot.  Well, most like to carry around weapons but many do grunt a lot.  Though I have to say, using a term like, "eh!" isn't very commercial.  It is used around here in America mostly by old people with low hearing aid batteries.  I'd say you are more likely to hear us say, "oh, Canadians!"  when discussing topics like healthcare and transportation.  Then, someone will just laugh and say, well we are a richer Country, so what do they know?  I'd say, quite a bit.  I kind of figured since your population was smaller due to livable landscape, you don't get so bogged down or distracted by side issues like gay marriage or universal healthcare?  I did notice that the votes were very close as far as gay issues seemed to go.  We know from research, letting gay people get married only hurts some peoples feelings.  It is booming business for others.

We have universal healthcare for the exact reason that we don't want to get bogged down or distracted by where we'd get some medical coverage! As for gay marriage, only the religious were upset by it and it's an non-issue for the rest of us. Well for the people in the east! I know that in the western provinces they are more conservative.

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
    Most Canadians I have met seemed religious but  I met a few who weren't or maybe are more agnostic to me?  A nice thing is that you really do seem to want to get along with each other.  I hear very little criticism in the City about each other.  I have also found a bit of reluctance when it comes to sharing your honest views of some things.  Perhaps because I was a tourist?  I would get asked questions sometimes and when I asked why was this important for them to know, I would just get an evasive answer?  So as to not offend me but being nosy, none the less.

"non agression" is a very Canadian trait. Many people are religious, but no one put it's in other people's face. We respect the other's belief (or lack of) but we also expect that same respect in return. This goes for a lot of things, including sexual orientation, political views, ...

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
     Your Country is a very nice place to visit overall.  I feel we are spoiled here in America because we have more agriculture and our greater size means we can offer more opportunities for employment.  I feel we have less unemployment here.  Though you may have more freedom of speech and more local support from your communities than we do?  Yet finding Canadians less outspoken might contradict my statement somewhat?  It seems it is more on the side of peace but I'm not too sure about that too much still?    We have too many corporations and money doesn't end up being spread around as much as it should be here.

Unemployements in Canada are at a record low because of the oil-frenzy in Alberta! :-) We err a lot on the side of peace but we can still fight if need be. The Canadian Army has a rather special reputation in the world. Far from being powerfull in the world's checkerboard, we still managed to impress much more powerfull armies.

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
    I feel too that Canadians have a better hold on their Government than we Americans do.  It is harder for us to get rid of incompetent leadership because of big corporations and their hands in most of our Politicians bank accounts.  This has finally led us back into a corrupt system of Government or in our case, the lack of Government based on a Constitution but one dictated to us, thanks to the almighty dollar.

I honestly cannot comprehend how your political system work !!! I have tried to follow the current nominee race and i can't wrap my head around the concept. It's an incredibly complex system which could do with a little house cleaning i think. To me it seems purposefully made up as to be more complicated than it need to be in order to blurr the lines and keep the uninitiated out of it.

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
    So now, I at least look to Canada and Canadians to help us see the light.  Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be how Canadians do International Business?  We need Canadians to say, "look what we have going on here!  You can have this too!"  I just see that as a Canadian attribute which is too bad for us.  I know you need our business.  We need your peace right now, unfortunately.  We also need your commerce to  keep building and stay in business.  Instead of thanking us, I wish more of you would be saying, "America, get it together before you completely fall apart because of your bigotry and greed."  It is time, now that we have fallen off of our "high horse", to start looking outward to our neighbors for a good example of how a Country can be, if people stop drawing lines in the sand and start accepting other cultures as a gift to us all.

You can to that with your friends. Have a good solid talk with them to get them to realise their errors. But it's not quite so simple while dealing with international affairs. You're dealing with a mass of population who would get insulted at the idea of having Canadian's come in and tell'em how it should be done.

Quote from: ocenbrz on May 22, 2008, 08:00:55 pm
     My true and honest hope is that we can learn from your example.  And that you will stop building those sardine cans you call "condos"!  I guess they serve a purpose but they charge so much for the privilege to own or rent a place that takes you forever to get out of?  For some reason, I see those skyscrapers and the words, "Towering Inferno"  keeps echoing in my mind.  Building homes high enough for planes for hit them doesn't seem logical to me?  Just something that made me question some of your building planning to me? 8-)

I think many Americains would be almost ashamed of admitting they've learned anything from the Canadians. I mean, many of them can't point us on a map and think we're still living in Igloos and trading fur! :-D Imagine learning from them! As for the Condos, i don't like'em all that much either but they aswer a specific need. It's cheaper than a regular house and requiers a lot less maintenance!

cheers Mate! :)

The Professor

On the subject of Canada, I wish it had more influence on the USA than it does.  There is a powerful subcurrent of sanity in Canadian culture, I relish every trip I make to the Great White North, and I deeply admire the truly peace loving people of Canada.

Back in the 1960s, when I was prime meat as draft bait, I briefly considered migrating to Canada, but in the end I decided to stay and fight the man on his own turf.  I won.

Anyway, I'm an old (very old) friend of Unbeliever and I am the geek behind about 85 of the websites on this server.  I'm glad to see this website is drawing such a classy bunch of people.