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History / The Greatest Ever Infographic ...
Last post by Unbeliever - April 05, 2019, 01:47:59 pm

Quotein 1862 Charles Joseph Minard created a much-praised infographic depicting Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812.
Biology / The Most Intelligent Animal on...
Last post by Unbeliever - April 04, 2019, 05:22:39 pm

QuoteHow has the octopus become so intelligent and capable of thinking in the abstract? Watch fascinating and often hilarious experiments to see just how smart they are.

After this video, you'll never think about the octopus the same.

In Aliens of the Deep Sea we get to see how octopuses behave in the wild too. Off the coast of Vancouver Island, underwater divers are watched by a huge octopus - a ghost like creature that lurks until it feels it's safe to emerge and be seen. It's an eerie encounter.

This incredible documentary illustrates why the octopus is one of the ocean's most complex and enigmatic creatures which should be studied, not served in restaurants.

The octopus uses cognitive reasoning to make deductions and understand its environment. It can shape shift, change color and texture on the fly to blend in with its surroundings to become either predator or defend itself from becoming prey.

In one novel experiment we see an octopus wrap its tentacles around a screw-top jar that has a crab inside it. In slow but determined fashion, the octopus successfully opens the jar to get to its prey. The jar is unlike anything it would encounter in the wild - the octopus has used cognitive reasoning, not instinct, to catch its well-deserved lunch.

The octopus has lived side-by-side with humankind from our earliest days. But it's only now that we're beginning to unravel the animal's secrets, and the extent of its formidable brain-power.

Watch as an octopus slips out of its tank and slithers surreptitiously across a concrete floor. Is it making a break for freedom? Not at all. It knows that its prey is just a short distance away in another tank.

As we learn, the octopus can move on land as well as underwater and the little round trip it has taken is not just to get from point A to point B. It's also taking this little detour because it's curious about the world it is living in.

It's hard to believe that this animal is simply a mollusk. As far as his family tree goes, the octopus is more closely related to an oyster or a snail than to any other species of animal.

And yet, as octopuses behave like shape shifters, moving in and out of tiny openings to get their reward, they are working out solutions the way humans do.

They are able to think in the abstract.

In Aliens of the Deep Sea we get to see how octopuses behave in the wild too.

Amazingly, with all its powerful traits, the octopus has never become king of the sea. Researchers think that it's because of the female's short life span.

They give up everything, including their life, for their eggs. But this sad reality may also be the reason that octopuses have an innate intelligence they have no choice but to learn by trial and error.

Just how has an animal that is so different from humans become so intelligent?

From Spain to Vancouver Island and finally to Capri, Italy, follow scientists as they try to understand how the octopus has evolved to have such intelligence, even by our standards.

Through fascinating experiments audiences will discover there is still much to know about this mystifying creature.
General Science / Ultra-Sound explodes water in ...
Last post by Unbeliever - April 03, 2019, 02:45:24 pm

Quotereally wasn't expecting this at all! I just wanted a quick cute fun video for the weekend.  In the end, I was stunned by what I found!
Astronomy/Cosmology / World's sharpest Tele lens! Mo...
Last post by Unbeliever - March 30, 2019, 04:14:04 pm

QuoteWorld's sharpest super telephoto lens?
The video clips where filmed in August 2015 at only 290m above sea level. (Camping side in Germany)
Some zooming in and out, and spinning in post production with Magix VDL 2016. 
Panasonic GH4 and a modified Leica 2.8/400mm + 1.4x + 2x + 2x Leica Apo Extender. 
I wanted make the viewer, to feel like observing the moon from a space craft.
I made some test with a "Siemens Star" this summer, resolution = 1mm at 480m (0.43 arcsec.) !! This means 1200 lines/mm, of course wide open!

Mathematics / Chaos, by Rudy Rucker
Last post by Unbeliever - March 30, 2019, 03:20:48 pm

QuoteThis is a video made by Rudy Rucker to demonstrate the 1990Autodesk program, "James Gleock's CHAOS: the Software."  The program was written by Rudy Rucker, Josh Gordon, and John Walker.  Topics include dynamical systems, strange attractors, Mandelbrot set fractals (inclucinbz a 4D cubic version), cellular automata, and fractal landscapes.
Astronomy/Cosmology / Where did the Moon come from? ...
Last post by Unbeliever - March 27, 2019, 11:30:24 am

QuoteThe Earth and Moon are like identical twins, made up of the exact same materials -- which is really strange, since no other celestial bodies we know of share this kind of chemical relationship. What's responsible for this special connection? Looking for an answer, planetary scientist and MacArthur "Genius" Sarah T. Stewart discovered a new kind of astronomical object -- a synestia -- and a new way to solve the mystery of the Moon's origin.

Study reckons moon came from Earth during synestia:

SYNESTIA - New Donut Shaped Planetary Object:
Biology / Smart Animals Compilation
Last post by Unbeliever - March 25, 2019, 06:01:38 pm

QuoteFeeling secure in your human intelligence? Watch these animals show off their brains by solving problems. Who's really in charge?

Some of these animals are pretty amazing!
Technology / Drilling Square Holes
Last post by Unbeliever - March 25, 2019, 01:59:03 pm

QuoteUsing a special drill and holder to drill square holes in material on a drill press.

General Science / No One Can Explain These Arcti...
Last post by Unbeliever - March 25, 2019, 01:21:59 pm

QuoteWhat's the deal with these strange arctic holes that not even NASA can explain?
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