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Hello to all!

Started by analyzedatheist, March 16, 2011, 06:48:15 pm

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March 16, 2011, 06:48:15 pm Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 06:51:05 pm by analyzedatheist
Hi to everyone on the forum!

I go by the Analyzed Atheist.  I found my way over here via a recommendation by your Administrator, "The Unbeliever."  He stumbled upon my own blog over at http://analyzedatheist.tumblr.com.

I am 28, male, and from Canada, eh?  Ha ha, love that stereotype.  I am a pretty fervent atheist, but here in Canada people don't really talk much about religion in public, it's pretty much considered to be in bad taste.  It goes without saying then, that the religious atmosphere in Canada is not like it is in the United States.  However, just because people don't talk about religion much doesn't mean they don't have the same stupid biases and beliefs...and whenever I can I actively debate/discuss these ideas with people in an effort to educate and inform, but most of all, just get it out there.

I love to read, write, do arithmetic.  Seriously, though.  I like math.  I work in a laboratory, so my dorkiness pervades every area of my life.

I would like to say I've always been an atheist, but I definitely can't say that I've ever been a 'theist' in the traditional sense of the word.  Apathetic cultural christian describes me at my most religious, probably when I was younger than the age of 15 or 16, but I never really thought about it until I read "The God Delusion" after I finished university.  When I was really young I can remember lying in bed after my mom said the Lord's Prayer and thinking "I don't feel anything...at all."  Up until the God Delusion I said I was an atheist, but leaning toward agnostic.  Once I realized what these words really mean, I stick to being an atheist.  Granted, I am technically an agnostic atheist, but as Dawkins says, only as agnostic about God as I am about fairies at the bottom of my garden.  The way I evaluate claims is through the examination of evidence, and as far as I am concerned, if I can quote someone else, "absence of evidence is evidence of absence."

That about sums me up, more or less...well there is a lot more, but maybe some of the people here can come check out my blog.  If you do, drop me a message to let me know or ask a question, I love getting questions because it usually stimulates my creative muscle.

All the best to everyone on the forum!

-The Analyzed Atheist

EDIT: I wanted to add a question, and I apologize if this is somehow answered in a FAQ somewhere.  Why are there two verification images when posting a personal message (pm)?  I was trying to reply to a personal message and it wanted me to complete two verification fields, and I did, but no matter how many times I tried and tried again, it would not work, on the next screen I'd be told that what I typed did not match the image.  I tried both all caps and all lower-case, so I'm at a loss for that.  If anyone has any ideas or help for me for this, please let me know.  Thanks.  AATS
People don't think enough.  It's alright to have our superficial interests and entertainment, but if we do not take sufficient time to really think about our life, our place in the universe, and the empirical evidence that points to our origins, then we fail to feel the awe-inspiring  power of the human mind.

The Professor

Wow, what a fantastic introduction!   You are exactly the sort of person we hope to see here, thanks for joining.

Quote from: analyzedatheist on March 16, 2011, 06:48:15 pm

EDIT: I wanted to add a question, and I apologize if this is somehow answered in a FAQ somewhere.  Why are there two verification images when posting a personal message (pm)?  I was trying to reply to a personal message and it wanted me to complete two verification fields, and I did, but no matter how many times I tried and tried again, it would not work, on the next screen I'd be told that what I typed did not match the image.  I tried both all caps and all lower-case, so I'm at a loss for that.  If anyone has any ideas or help for me for this, please let me know.  Thanks.  AATS

This would be my fault, please accept my apology.  You won't see many messages from me here, my role is more as a technical advisor and enabler for Unbeliever, and I operate the server on which this domain resides.  I specialize in anti-spammer measures and one of them is to prevent newly created accounts from sending unwelcome messages to existing  users.  It was configured such that a user with fewer than 5 posts in the forums would be presented with a captcha when sending PMs.  I have changed that requirement so that only one regular forum post is required to allow unimpeded PM sending.

I hope this fixes it.  Please consider sending me a test PM as a test.

Skeptic Hosting


March 16, 2011, 08:00:08 pm #2 Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 02:32:13 pm by Unbeliever
Hi Analyzedatheist!

As The Professor said, you're just the sort we hope this place will attract - I think we need more fervent atheists in the world. I could tell as much when I was at your site earlier, so I'm glad you came on over. Feel free to steer other like-minded folks this way. I like to think of this place as helping people to educate themselves about atheism and the evils of faith-based religions.

Sorry there's so little interaction here, but I didn't really intend it that way. I mainly just want to make it easier for unbelievers to find things of interest on the web.
"Some say God is living there [in space]. I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there. I did not detect either angels or gods....I don't believe in God. I believe in man - his strength, his possibilities, his reason."
Gherman Titov, Soviet cosmonaut, in The Seattle Daily Ti