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People Like this, annoy me!

Started by littlegrimlin1, September 14, 2009, 09:21:41 am

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I came across this website:

.. read thier reasoning... and got very angry.

The author claims he was an athiest, and claims that thier God is constantly on our minds, because he is pressing on us himself.
By wanting to be known, he presses on us, and therefore, is constantly on our minds.

How am I supposed to react when people as me questions like...
How is the Earth so perfect, that its in the perfect place, perfect temperatures, perfect elements and compounds such as the water we
  need to survive?

They base every single answer to all of thier questions on the Bible.  As us reasonable people base our theories and answers off of data, they are doing the inverse, by getting data from thier answers written in the bible by irrational, ignorant people thousands of years ago.

When something like this enters my mind, just knowing how people around me really think, it sets me off in a rant, a silent one however.
This forum feels to be a home for me and my ranting, with people who I can finally agree with, unlike my family, friends, girlfriend, every SINGLE other person I know.  I only have 1 friend, that can almost share these thoughts with me.  However, he seems to have created his own conclusions, which very vaguely seem to have a supernatural being thrown in the explaination somewhere.

Thank you - Robert D. Wright
"Never again, will I believe in your God."

The Professor

Quote from: littlegrimlin1 on September 14, 2009, 09:21:41 am
How am I supposed to react when people as me questions like...
How is the Earth so perfect, that its in the perfect place, perfect temperatures, perfect elements and compounds such as the water we
  need to survive?

This is the logical fallacy called argument from incredulity.

The Earth is not suitable for human life so much as life on Earth has evolved so that it can survive in the conditions in which it exists.

These fools are putting the cart before the horse.

Joe Bloe

The author claims he was an athiest
Born again Christians do that a lot. They have always been believers, but decide that that did not become a REAL Christian until the day they were born again - which means they must have been atheistic before that day. They use that ploy to bignote themselves in front of their peers; to imply that they took a bigger leap of faith than did others in the same church.

(By the way, sorry to be so pedantic, but the word is atheist not athiest.)

...and claims that thier God is constantly on our minds, because he is pressing on us himself.
By wanting to be known, he presses on us, and therefore, is constantly on our minds.

Deep down many believers realise that their belief is nonsensical, but they overcome the problem by deciding that everyone (even atheists) have the same basic belief...So now the Christian is able to kid himself that his belief is not nonsensical, but actually quite normal because we all think the same way (but the atheists are too proud to admit it).

How is the Earth so perfect, that its in the perfect place, perfect temperatures, perfect elements and compounds such as the water we need to survive?
Marvelling that the Earth is so well designed for human life is a bit like marvelling that no matter how tall a person may be, their legs are always just long enough to reach the ground - they are tackling the problem from the wrong angle. This You Tube video may help:

They base every single answer to all of thier questions on the Bible.  As us reasonable people base our theories and answers off of data, they are doing the inverse, by getting data from thier answers written in the bible by irrational, ignorant people thousands of years ago.
As an atheist I am quite prepared to admit that there are many things I don't know. Some people, though, have fragile egos and feel that they must have the answers to everything. Naturally there is no way that any human can gain all of that knowledge through hard work and experience, so they pretend that God has given it to them. It's a silly idea but it saves them from ever having to admit that there are things they don't know.



The argument from the compexity of the universe does not work, since the "creator" must be much more complex than that which was created, but if complexity means the universe needed a creator, then the creator also needed a creator, which in turn needed a creator, and so on ad infinitum (as well as ad nauseum!).
"Some say God is living there [in space]. I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there. I did not detect either angels or gods....I don't believe in God. I believe in man - his strength, his possibilities, his reason."
Gherman Titov, Soviet cosmonaut, in The Seattle Daily Ti

The Professor